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Theme Parks and Outdoor Recreation Areas

  • Real-time lightning warning for staff and visitors
  • Installed on a building roof
  • Warnings on 5 networked PC’s


A large multi-site theme park required a lightning warning system to offer advance warnings for overhead lightning because this was a frequent occurrence during the busiest summer period. Maintaining the operation of the park was paramount and lightning warnings were only to be issued when the storm was nearby (within 16kms) or overhead, so posing the highest risk.


The system had to be reliable as it would affect many 1000’s of visitors and staff. Previous systems had suffered from false alarms and became untrusted. The system needed to alert key staff members across several buildings on the site all working on the same computer network.

Our Solution:

The BTD-200 was installed onto a suitable flat roof of a centrally located management building on the site. The optional direction finder allowed them to track the path of incoming lightning storms giving them the ability to warn the visitors or even to close the park at the most opportune time. Whilst the sensitivity of the sensor offered them advanced warning for overhead (9km vicinity) thunderstorm threats before any lightning was generated. Our computer user interface – Lightning Works – allowed the park managers to have real-time warnings on 5 networked PC’s across the site allowing public warnings to be delivered in a timely and effective way.