The Clima Type D range of weather sensors are intended for general weather measurement and environmental control systems. All models feature precipitation and brightness sensor with options for wind speed, temperature and humidity measurement.
Analogue and serial digital outputs are available, and all models feature a time signal derived from the radio transmitter situated in Frankfurt, Germany.
For full specifications of the available models please refer to the product manual available through the download tab.
Specifications Tab
For full specifications of the available models please refer to the product manual available through the Download tab.
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To find out more about this instrument or to discuss your application requirements please do not hesitate to contact Biral.
- Complete our enquiry form
- Email enquiries@biral.com
- Telephone +44 (0)1275 847787
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Biral offers free advice and technical support for the lifetime of the instruments we sell. Once you have purchased the unit you can always contact us for help using the links on our Service Support page.
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